Turkey Workout

“I’m on a diet.”

You neither want to be on the giving or receiving end of that statement once the holidays begin.

I mean seriously, what host wants a party pooper who isn’t going to gorge themselves on all the food they slaved to make (or haul from the nearest restaurant)?  And, why torture yourself by drooling over the chocolate fountain when you know you can only eat the measly 15 almonds you brought in your pocket?


Alas, it is true though. I am on a diet.

It’s all Doc Sci’s fault.  I told him we could do whatever workout he wanted to after all the work he did supporting me during marathon training (except for pull-ups.. I hate pull-ups.. and no, I don’t mean the kind that Pampers makes).  He chose the Abs Diet, which is a workout + meal plan.

Luckily, I think we’ll be done with the 6 week program before Christmas.  But not before Thanksgiving.

So now I find myself in the predicament of being the host that’s on a diet.  And, I said I never wanted to mass cook again.  Boo.  Hiss.

At least this year, I have help.  I’m teaming up with the only other American mama in my building.  Together, we will get through this Thanksgiving dinner thing.

My prep starts now.  I bought my turkey yesterday.  And, stupid me also bought a blender (on clearance – score! – for abs diet shakes – doh!) and then had to figure out how to get a blender AND a turkey home on my bike.

This year’s turkey is 7400g (about 16.3lbs).  It cost a few cents shy of 25 euro (almost $34!), which works out to about $2 per pound.  I have no idea what a turkey in the US costs, but I’m pretty sure my bird was crazy expensive.

I’ll be cooking next week and posting about my second year in a row cranking out Thanksgiving in a closet-sized kitchen.  Despite the mayhem, I’ve lots to be thankful for, which will also come later.

Happy T-1 week Turkey Day!

3 thoughts on “Turkey Workout

  1. Pingback: A Homemade Thanksgiving « Thrifty Travel Mama

  2. Pingback: Thanksgiving Recap « Thrifty Travel Mama

  3. Pingback: The 2012 Thankful List « Thrifty Travel Mama

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